J.D. Kleinke is a medical economist, author, health care information technology pioneer, and leading advocate for a smarter, data-driven, post-partisan health care system.
He has been instrumental in the creation of four health care information organizations; served as a health care business columnist for the Wall Street Journal; advised both sides of the political aisle on pragmatic approaches to health policy and legislation; and served on the Boards of several public and privately held health care companies.
His books, Bleeding Edge: The Business of Health Care in the New Century and Oxymorons: The Myth of a U.S. Health Care System are required reading in many physician-executive MBA programs and health administration graduate in the U.S. His third book, Catching Babies – a novel about the training and culture of obstetrician/gynecologists – will be published in March 2011.
For audiences across the health care, medical, corporate, policy and patient communities, J.D. provides a no-nonsense, practical, and often humorous look at the collision of government reform, increasing patient economic empowerment, and emerging information and medical technologies – and their combined effects on the future challenges and opportunities for today’s health care organization.